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Photo du rédacteurFAR Avocats

Ethics and International Arbitration: Is it Time for an International Code of Ethics?

Washington Arbitration Week, Panel, December 1, 2021, 12 PM EST

Tomorrow, FAR Avocats partner, Dr. Daniel Müller, will be speaking at the Washington Arbitration Week 2021, in a panel on “Ethics and International Arbitration: Is it Time for an International Code of Ethics?”.

He will be joined by other distinguished speakers, including Rose Rameau (Rameau International Law), Ben Love (Boies Schiller Flexner), Ignacio Torterola (GST LLP), and Todd Weiler (Independent International Arbitrator).

WAW 2021 - Daniel Müller - Ethics and International Arbitration

More information about the panel and registration can be found on the WAW 2021 website:

Daniel has recently published an articles on “L’éthique des parties au contentieux d’investissement” in the book on Le droit international des investissements au prisme de l’éthique edited by Raphaël Maurel (CREDIMI, Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté).

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